
Cats. Kittens. Kitty. Feline. Pussycat. There are so many names for our cats.  How many pet names do you have for your pet?  Our four legged furry feline friends are always there for us aren’t they?  Then we should be there for them. Everything your cat wants you to know about them. Why do cats behave the way they do?  What do you do about their behavior problems? Is it possible to train a cat? How do I teach my cat to use a litter box? How much do I feed my cat?  Does my cat love me?  How can I train my cat?  Here are the articles every cat owner must read.

Kitten stealing from from the table

How to stop your cat from stealing food

Is your cat stealing food from the table? Many cats do this—and not always because they are hungry. Stealing food is similar to hunting, and Mother Nature dictates to the cat that, if an opportunity arises, it must be taken. But not everyone wants to eat from the same plate with the family cat. In this article, you are going to learn how to stop your cat from stealing your food.

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Forest cat on a kitchen counter besides sink

How to Keep Your Cat Off the Counter: 4 Ways

Do you struggle to keep your cat off the kitchen counter? You are not alone. For many people, including those who love their cats and consider them part of the family, counter tops in the kitchen are places they would like to see free of cats. Unfortunately, cats love to climb. Combine this with curiosity, and you will find it is hard to prevent a cat from jumping on a kitchen counter. Or is it?

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Are you sure it's edible. Switching cat food meme

How to switch cat food to a new type or brand: 3 Tips

One of the most common problems, when we suggest that people switch their cat to wet food, is that their cats don’t like it. Cats who have been eating dry food their whole life may be like: “Are you serious? What is that? Bring back my kibbles!” Many cats are very loyal to their current food brand and will not even look at anything else.

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sedentary cat

Why is diabetes so common in cats

The diagnosis of diabetes in veterinary medicine is widespread and climbing. It affects both cats and dogs: in the United States, one in 400 dogs and one in 150 cats are affected. Results are similar in the UK and Australia. Even more so, numbers are climbing and there is little doubt that the cause is our lifestyle, and the lifestyle we impose upon our pets.

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